Archives: February 2012
op.130 with op.133 “Grosse Fuge”
by David Hoskins
Just uploaded… a video insight by Sara Bitlloch on Opus 130 with its original Grosse Fuge ending. Well worth following the scores (courtesy of which are available for downloading here. full score: Op.130; full score: Op.133 Grosse …
The early performers of the quartets of Beethoven
by Martin Saving
On the groups that brought Beethoven's quartets to the public attention.
Beethoven’s hearing loss linked to lack of high notes in his quartets
by Martin Saving
This interesting article was brought to our attention by our friend Ivan Moseley. It concerns recent research linking the gradual decrease of high notes in Beethoven’s quartets to his increasing hearing problems.
A video presenting the research can be seen…